Drama queen Rakhi is back with another controversy. She has now accused Aamir's Satyamev Jayate team for copying her concept. Rakhi hosted a reality show Rakhi Ka Insaaf in 2010, which was aired on NDTV. The actress says that Aamir's show is similar to her's, which also dealt with the social issues. Rakhi was worried by the fact that her show was alloted for late night airing for its mature content by the Information & Broadcasting Ministry, but since Aamir Khan hosts the new show, they had given the prime time on Sunday.
Though she has accused the Satyamev Jayate team, she says that she has no issues against Aamir, as he has always been by her side during her tough times. The actress claims that she was depressed because of her show and was under observation in hospital for a few months. There were legal proceedings against Rakhi when a participant on her show, committed suicide. The family members of the participant named Rakhi as the reason, for using abusive language against him on air. However, the case was dissolved due to lack of evidence.
Though she has accused the Satyamev Jayate team, she says that she has no issues against Aamir, as he has always been by her side during her tough times. The actress claims that she was depressed because of her show and was under observation in hospital for a few months. There were legal proceedings against Rakhi when a participant on her show, committed suicide. The family members of the participant named Rakhi as the reason, for using abusive language against him on air. However, the case was dissolved due to lack of evidence.
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