Nagpur University Exam TimeTable 2012 Winter | RTMNU Time Table Winter exam 2012

Nagpur University Exam TimeTable 2012 Winter | RTMNU Time Table Winter exam 2012
Nagpur University Time Table Winter 2012-RTMNU Time Table-BE,BA,BSc,BCom,BBA,BCA,BCCA,MBA,MCA  Time Tables Winter 2012
Winter 2012 Time Table

Pune University BE Engineering Time Table Second Half October 2013 Exams

Pune University BE Engineering Time Table Second Half October 2013 Exams Pune University TimeTable October 2013 | Unipune Time Table 2nd Half
Pune is the main educational center of Maharashtra. Numerous students from every corner of India and the world come to Pune. It is quite safe and peaceful city as compared to other educational centers in India. The climate of Pune is pleasant and good for health. The city of Pune houses many well-known, established institutes and colleges. University of Pune is one of the finest and most popular educational centers in the city. It offers excellent programs in various areas including Science, Commerce, Arts, Languages and Management Studies.
Timetables for October 2012 Exams

Faculty of Engineering Architecture
Faculty of Science Faculty of Pharmacy
Faculty of Arts Faculty of LAW
Faculty of Mental Moral Sciences Faculty of Commerce
Faculty of Education Faculty of Management Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education

Pune University Practical Time Table October/November 2012 Exams

Pune University Practical Time Table October/November 2012 Exams

Pune University TimeTable October 2012 | Unipune Time Table 2nd Half | University of Pune

Pune University TimeTable October 2012 | Unipune Time Table 2nd Half
Pune is the main educational center of Maharashtra. Numerous students from every corner of India and the world come to Pune. It is quite safe and peaceful city as compared to other educational centers in India. The climate of Pune is pleasant and good for health. The city of Pune houses many well-known, established institutes and colleges. University of Pune is one of the finest and most popular educational centers in the city. It offers excellent programs in various areas including Science, Commerce, Arts, Languages and Management Studies.

Pune University TimeTable October 2012 | Unipune Time Table 2nd Half | University of Pune

Pune University TimeTable October 2012 | Unipune Time Table 2nd Half
Pune is the main educational center of Maharashtra. Numerous students from every corner of India and the world come to Pune. It is quite safe and peaceful city as compared to other educational centers in India. The climate of Pune is pleasant and good for health. The city of Pune houses many well-known, established institutes and colleges. University of Pune is one of the finest and most popular educational centers in the city. It offers excellent programs in various areas including Science, Commerce, Arts, Languages and Management Studies.

- Practical Timetables for October/November 2012 Exams
- Timetables for October 2012 Exams
- List of Centres for October, 2012 Examination
- Scheduled for October, 2012 Examination
- Regarding Unique E-mail ID for College/Institute
  Revised Academic Calendar Circular no.57 for the academic year 2011-12 (Second Term) Architecture

GAIL GATE 2013 Recruitments Executive Trainee

Post Name – Executive Trainee

Educational Qualification – GATE 2013

Job Location – Across India

RPF Sub Inspector Results 2012 | Railway Police Force (RPF) Jobs 2012

Railway Police Force (RPF) has already conducted Written Examination of RPF Sub Inspector on 12th August, 2012. Lots of Candidates appeared for this Exam, and waiting for their Railway Police Force Sub Inspector (SI) Results 2012.Railway Police Force (RPF will be going to announced Railway Police Force Sub Inspector (SI) Results 2012 on its Official website soon.

All the Candidates are advised to keep their Admit Card/ Roll no. at the time of checking the Result 2012. Because, without Roll no. you will not be able to view the Result 2012.

Candidates, whenever Railway Police Force Sub Inspector (SI) Results will be declared soon after the announcement of result we will upload on the website.

For more updates stay in touch with the official website given below:

Nagpur university MBA 2nd sem Resilts 2012 Master of Business Administration Secon sem



DATED 31/08/2012

SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES (The figures in brackets indicate the aggregate marks obtained out of 800

73112(529) 73113 (448) 73121(457) 73123(427) 73124(448) 73126 (504) 73133(525) 73134(451) 73139(471)
73141(474) 73143(464) 73146 (455) 73147(471) 73148(441) 73149(432) 73152 (457) 73155(462) 73159(487) 73160(510)
73161(514) 73163(490) 73164 (469) 73167(504) 73171(492) 73173(505) 73174 (462) 73175(446) 73177(466) 73178(475)
73179(480) 73180(494) 73181 (444) 73182(517) 73183(467) 73184(479) 73186 (490) 73190(479) 73191(458) 73193(447)
73194(443) 73195(495) 73196 (471) 73197(485) 73202(419) 73203(481) 73208 (488) 73212(468) 73215(463) 73217(439)
73218(434) 73222(446) 73223 (541) 73225(502) 73229(438) 73230(448) 73234 (441) 73237(443) 73240(535) 73243(494)
73244(443) 73245(443) 73247 (507) 73250(461) 73251(509) 73252(486) 73254 (504) 73257(515) 73259(464) 73261(482)
73262(514) 73263(508) 73264 (526) 73265(499) 73266(499) 73268(444) 73270 (420) 73271(514) 73272(499) 73275(536)
73276(480) 73277(464) 73278 (441) 73279(512) 73280(450) 73282(442) 73284 (448) 73285(420) 73287(438) 73288(464)
73289(422) 73290(446) 73297 (444) 73299(421) 73304(505) 73305(461) 73306 (486) 73308(495) 73309(516) 73310(471)
73311(474) 73312(551) 73314 (480) 73315(504) 73318(514) 73319(485) 73320 (493) 73322(500) 73324(441) 73325(440)
73326(449) 73328(466) 73331 (482) 73332(520) 73334(509) 73336(484) 73340 (457) 73341(472) 73342(491) 73345(487)
73349(501) 73350(493) 73351 (509) 73352(452) 73354(465) 73356(481) 73357 (493) 73358(444) 73359(442) 73360(451)
73361(468) 73362(464) 73363 (492) 73364(504) 73368(500) 73369(459) 73373 (502) 73375(502) 73376(450) 73377(470)
73378(502) 73379(478) 73382 (502) 73385(486) 73386(473) 73387(490) 73389 (496) 73390(461) 73391(461) 73392(496)
73394(450) 73396(470) 73397 (476) 73398(486) 73401(460) 73402(532) 73404 (521) 73408(482) 73412(444) 73413(495)
73419(458) 73422(484) 73424 (417) 73428(450) 73432(426) 73439(528) 73440 (470) 73441(454) 73444(524) 73448(548)
73450(482) 73453(487) 73454 (497) 73457(502) 73460(480) 73461(452) 73465 (523) 73472(454) 73473(474) 73475(504)
73478(505) 73479(476) 73481 (449) 73483(489) 73487(512) 73488(476) 73490 (467) 73493(481) 73496(468) 73497(471)
73499(459) 73503(492) 73504 (520) 73505(522) 73506(449) 73507(481) 73508 (465) 73511(493) 73513(464) 73514(503)
73515(527) 73523(456) 73526 (491) 73527(460) 73528(456) 73529(523) 73530 (499) 73531(477) 73533(500) 73535(459)
73536(449) 73537(460) 73539 (473) 73541(537) 73543(435) 73546(479) 73548 (454) 73550(471) 73552(430) 73560(481)
73567(481) 73568(489) 73570 (514) 73571(471) 73573(470) 73574(449) 73575 (448) 73577(497) 73578(457) 73580(489)
73583(534) 73584(474) 73585 (460) 73587(507) 73588(451) 73589(450) 73591 (461) 73592(442) 73593(472) 73594(487)
73595(570) 73596(453) 73597 (472) 73598(473) 73599(478) 73600(496) 73601 (471) 73602(481) 73603(515) 73604(485)
73605(475) 73607(481) 73608 (441) 73609(504) 73610(501) 73611(509) 73612 (520) 73613(502) 73615(469) 73616(525)
73618(505) 73619(504) 73620 (443) 73621(515) 73622(461) 73623(505) 73624 (491) 73625(532) 73627(510) 73628(501)
73629(499) 73630(486) 73631 (492) 73635(517) 73636(542) 73640(480) 73641 (440) 73642(454) 73644(547) 73646(483)
73647(461) 73648(524) 73652 (505) 73653(489) 73656(485) 73657(478) 73658 (487) 73660(487) 73661(550) 73662(504)
73663(504) 73665(504) 73666 (482) 73668(472) 73673(531) 73674(512) 73675 (448) 73676(449) 73677(510) 73678(508)
73679(510) 73682(476) 73683 (502) 73684(495) 73685(465) 73686(476) 73687 (501) 73688(504) 73689(424) 73690(497)
73691(497) 73692(438) 73693 (488) 73695(449) 73696(475) 73697(459) 73698 (462) 73699(464) 73700(472) 73703(521)
73704(541) 73705(511) 73706 (510) 73708(467) 73709(478) 73712(532) 73713 (515) 73714(515) 73715(456) 73718(482)
73720(483) 73721(474) 73723 (459) 73724(501) 73727(507) 73728(485) 73729 (548) 73731(571) 73733(456) 73734(536)
73737(524) 73738(458) 73741 (498) 73743(521) 73744(526) 73752(471) 73755 (529) 73756(557) 73757(464) 73758(531)
73759(509) 73760(524) 73761 (468) 73762(506) 73763(542) 73764(553) 73765 (482) 73766(533) 73767(509) 73769(514)
73770(506) 73771(453) 73773 (476) 73774(480) 73775(440) 73777(514) 73780 (454) 73781(502) 73782(469) 73783(486)
73785(497) 73786(506) 73787 (510) 73788(490) 73790(478) 73791(498) 73792 (457) 73793(515) 73797(456) 73798(464)
73801(456) 73803(424) 73807 (435) 73811(447) 73812(433) 73819(478) 73832 (430) 73846(453) 73848(456) 73857(488)
73863(542) 73865(426) 73869 (458) 73871(447) 73874(481) 73876(439) 73878 (416) 73879(418) 73881(440) 73882(430)
73887(448) 73889(482) 73891 (473) 73892(468) 73902(460) 73909(472) 73911 (431) 73912(461) 73915(436) 73916(455)
73923(523) 73933(443) 73934 (524) 73935(533) 73943(427) 73949(508) 73950 (447) 73951(421) 73952(489) 73954(457)
73955(446) 73957(476) 73959 (469) 73960(479) 73961(454) 73965(491) 73967 (466) 73969(493) 73970(467) 73973(477)
73974(465) 73978(423) 73980 (423) 73984(493) 73985(466) 73986(467) 73988 (510) 73992(488) 73993(511) 73994(457)
73995(482) 73996(519) 74000 (474) 74001(434) 74004(479) 74005(459) 74008 (507) 74009(481) 74010(508) 74011(419)
74012(499) 74014(494) 74017 (450) 74020(479) 74021(494) 74023(459) 74026 (510) 74027(466) 74028(509) 74029(465)
74030(453) 74034(478) 74035 (467) 74036(551) 74037(468) 74040(482) 74041 (425) 74046(414) 74049(429) 74052(439)
74053(437) 74054(467) 74055 (507) 74056(524) 74058(556) 74059(467) 74064 (498) 74065(489) 74066(517) 74067(512)
74068(481) 74069(508) 74074 (478) 74076(458) 74078(479) 74081(474) 74082 (479) 74083(453) 74085(438) 74087(511)
74088(479) 74090(482) 74091 (515) 74092(527) 74094(467) 74096(492) 74098 (477) 74099(507) 74100(471) 74101(504)
74103(531) 74106(488) 74111 (429) 74113(439) 74114(478) 74117(523) 74118 (546) 74119(523) 74120(433) 74123(462)
74124(458) 74128(511) 74129 (478) 74136(526) 74137(486) 74142(518) 74144 (488) 74147(512) 74150(476) 74151(479)
74154(444) 74155(504) 74157 (485) 74158(478) 74161(479) 74162(549) 74174 (466) 74182(450) 74183(489) 74184(511)
74190(503) 74191(435) 74193 (492) 74195(441) 74196(511) 74198(497) 74201 (490) 74202(468) 74204(492) 74206(451)
74210(438) 74212(430) 74214 (445) 74216(422) 74217(523) 74218(494) 74219 (506) 74223(462) 74228(433) 74231(444)
74234(533) 74242(476) 74247 (445) 74248(513) 74263(466) 74264(482) 74265 (498) 74266(542) 74267(480) 74268(508)
74270(521) 74271(479) 74274 (464) 74275(515) 74276(487) 74277(509) 74278 (483) 74279(543) 74281(481) 74284(471)
74285(515) 74286(503) 74287 (474) 74288(494) 74289(485) 74290(481) 74291 (444) 74292(491) 74295(475) 74296(492)
74297(488) 74298(480) 74299 (522) 74300(442) 74301(470) 74302(501) 74303 (452) 74304(486) 74305(481) 74306(493)
74308(508) 74309(497) 74311 (548) 74313(468) 74319(501) 74320(490) 74321 (474) 74323(449) 74324(476) 74325(568)
74329(501) 74330(504) 74331 (472) 74332(466) 74333(453) 74334(494) 74335 (457) 74336(551) 74337(521) 74338(521)
74339(445) 74340(482) 74344 (454) 74345(480) 74347(507) 74348(517) 74349 (516) 74351(480) 74352(510) 74354(503)
74355(495) 74358(477) 74359 (492) 74360(532) 74361(529) 74362(528) 74363 (499) 74365(498) 74366(490) 74367(517)
74369(523) 74370(482) 74371 (485) 74373(465) 74374(474) 74375(480) 74376 (462) 74377(470) 74378(488) 74379(483)
74381(501) 74383(512) 74386 (525) 74387(455) 74388(497) 74392(484) 74393 (497) 74395(490) 74396(492) 74397(489)
74398(482) 74400(455) 74404 (444) 74406(481) 74407(470) 74409(475) 74410 (458) 74416(500) 74423(502) 74425(503)
74430(478) 74431(513) 74433 (502) 74435(461) 74436(515) 74438(550) 74439 (510) 74441(467) 74444(467) 74445(501)
74447(528) 74448(505) 74453 (519) 74455(479) 74456(445) 74457(485) 74461 (521) 74462(486) 74463(490) 74466(462)
74472(507) 74474(439) 74476 (533) 74478(507) 74482(446) 74483(472) 74485 (501) 74486(520) 74487(504) 74495(485)
74498(489) 74499(505) 74502 (498) 74504(484) 74508(492) 74509(515) 74510 (456) 74512(466) 74513(508) 74516(501)
74517(515) 74518(509) 74521 (437) 74523(435) 74524(432) 74527(460) 74528 (491) 74529(496) 74538(465) 74540(560)
74541(484) 74542(500) 74546 (451) 74547(546) 74553(512) 74554(514) 74557 (480) 74558(497) 74559(472) 74561(427)
74564(471) 74565(500) 74566 (491) 74569(451) 74570(430) 74571(434) 74572 (445) 74575(469) 74577(443) 74579(474)
74580(526) 74582(474) 74583 (531) 74584(524) 74586(528) 74587(480) 74588 (538) 74589(539) 74590(561) 74591(532)
74592(494) 74595(542) 74596 (468) 74597(445) 74599(546) 74603(469) 74605 (500) 74606(518) 74609(497) 74610(480)
74611(495) 74612(503) 74615 (441) 74617(498) 74619(458) 74620(470) 74621 (489) 74622(473) 74623(473) 74624(520)
74625(474) 74626(437) 74627 (450) 74629(440) 74631(486) 74636(507) 74637 (470) 74640(495) 74642(470) 74648(481)
74649(489) 74650(519) 74651 (493) 74652(476) 74654(542) 74655(479) 74661 (505) 74662(482) 74666(533) 74669(493)
... For more results visit officiL webaite